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BLOG CATEGORY: Business Financing

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Why Working Capital Lines of Credit Fit Seasonal Businesses
May 27, 2024

If you have a seasonal business, you likely face unique challenges that make it difficult to consistently manage cash flow. You may experience busy periods bringing in record-high revenue and slow seasons with little to no revenue. However, your monthly business bills, operating expenses, and other financial obligations still need to be covered monthly. Working […]

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Use Industrial Loans to Acquire New or Used Machinery
May 17, 2024

Starting and running a successful industrial business takes more than a great idea or fantastic service. It also requires the right kind of machinery to get the job done day after day for your customers across Texas and throughout the United States. Buying new or used machinery is an important investment for your business, but […]

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Try This SBA Loan Equipment Financing Tool for Your Company
May 17, 2024

As your small business grows, you may need to invest in new equipment or machinery to meet customer demand. However, acquiring these fixed assets can be a major financial commitment, potentially making it challenging for businesses to cover the full cost out of pocket. If your business needs a reliable, strategic way to acquire business […]

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Our Loans for Heavy Equipment Are Designed for Texas Businesses
May 17, 2024

Construction is happening all around us in the Southeast Texas Gulf Coast region. Companies involved in construction have ample opportunities to win new projects and gain more clients. If your business hopes to capitalize, you may need to invest in heavy equipment. The large price tag for heavy equipment makes it difficult for many businesses […]

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How to Get a Business Loan in Texas Without Stress
May 15, 2024

Small business owners in Texas understand the importance of having access to financial resources such as loans and lines of credit. However, not every owner has the time to navigate the complex world of business loans. Fortunately, Texas Gulf Bank offers a wide range of loan programs designed to support small business growth. We couple […]

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Used Heavy Equipment Financing Made Simple with Our Bank
May 6, 2024

As you gain new clients and win larger projects, you may discover that you need to replace or upgrade heavy equipment to keep up with demand. New equipment can be expensive to purchase, so choosing used heavy equipment may be a more cost-effective decision. Learn the benefits of utilizing pre-owned heavy equipment for production, construction, […]

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Financing Owner Occupied Commercial Real Estate in Texas
April 25, 2024

Owning the physical space where your business operates is a dream for many owners in Texas. Although renting or leasing in the early days may have been a sound business decision, over time, your company could quickly outgrow the existing space. Now, it’s time to relocate to a better market or take advantage of an […]

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Seeking Business Loans for Expansion Plans? Consider the SBA
April 12, 2024

As your small business grows, you may have the opportunity to expand by opening a new location, hiring more staff, or investing in larger, more efficient equipment. Although the possibility of business growth can be exciting, covering the cost may pose a challenge. If your expansion plans depend on having reliable and strategic financing, consider […]

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Small Business Loans Texas Companies Can Use to Grow
April 8, 2024

When you launched your small business, success may have come in small steps as you promoted your products or services to build your customer base. Now, your business may be maturing. You’re on the cusp of winning exciting new projects or larger clients. However, working capital constraints may keep you from taking the leaps that […]

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Construction Equipment Finance: Choose This Option for Your Projects
April 3, 2024

Is your construction company in a financial position to secure larger projects or add more clients? Small or inefficient heavy equipment may keep your business from achieving these goals. To obtain the newest machinery or large-scale equipment needed to elevate operations, you need a method to financially support acquisitions while minimizing impact to cash flow. […]

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