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BLOG CATEGORY: Personal Banking

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Tips to Keep Devices & Accounts Secure While You Travel
October 22, 2020

It’s easy to take our online security for granted when we travel, especially given the number of other things to focus on during a trip. There are things you can do before and while on a trip that we learned from the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency to make sure your data is safe.   […]

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Get Creative with Passwords to Keep Accounts Secure
October 16, 2020

In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month (something we take very seriously all year long), we wanted to talk about an important topic that is the first line of defense in securing your online information … strong passwords! Most of us dread having to create new passwords, especially once you’ve used every hobby and school mascot you […]

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Layers of Security Features Help Keep Online & Mobile Banking Safe for TGB Customers
August 20, 2020

Reliance on online and mobile technology has grown significantly over the past few months as people spend more time at home with limited in-person visits to local businesses. This means that multichannel support and interactive features become more important as customers need to communicate with their financial institution seamlessly.  However, the security of that sensitive […]

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5 Tips to Work from Home Effectively
July 13, 2020

If you’re new to working from home full time, you could be in the midst of a significant adjustment right now. Many Texans found themselves unprepared to turn their living space into a dedicated workspace. If your spouse and kids are also home, this can make things a bit … crowded. For those who thrive […]

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Ideas to Help Your Children Understand Budgets & Saving
July 2, 2020

Teaching your children about money and budgeting requires patience, creativity and time. While it may not be easy, it is important that your children know how to manage their money successfully as they get older. Taking the time now is sure to pay off for their future. Below are a few ideas for teaching young […]

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As the Economy Picks Up, These Industries are Hiring Right Now
June 25, 2020

In May, the Texas unemployment rate fell to 13.0%, which is below the national rate of 13.3%. That’s the first decrease since the state economy was first shut down by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Texas Workforce Commission. The TWC also noted the addition of 291,000 private sector positions over the past month. Companies […]

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3 Reasons an HSA Should be Part of Your Retirement Plan
April 8, 2020

High-deductible health plan (HDHP), Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) help you save for medical expenses with multiple tax benefits, like pre-tax contributions, tax-deferred growth, and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses. Did you know that an HSA can also be a powerful savings tool for retirement? If you’re preparing for retirement and typically max out contributions […]

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Cybersecurity & Online Banking Safety during a Crisis
March 18, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has complicated our daily lives and opened a space for con artists to take advantage of citizens during a time of great vulnerability. The probability of fraudulent attempts to gain access to your bank accounts, or criminals peddling fake products, drastically increases during stressful situations such as this. The Texas Department of […]

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Health Savings Accounts Offer Triple Tax Advantages*
December 15, 2019

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) help you and your family members save for future health expenses tax-free when you have a high-deductible health plan. These expenses include most medical care and services, dental and vision care. With open enrollment around the corner for most companies, you may be trying to decide if an HSA is right […]

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Avoid Scams With These Holiday Shopping Safety Tips
December 4, 2019

Millions of holiday shoppers plan to make purchases online during the holiday season.  Sadly, the world’s scariest online scammers are ready to celebrate the season with you … exposing your identity and draining your wallet. A recent Experian® survey found that 43% of victims said their identity theft occurred while holiday shopping online. Experian® projects […]

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