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BLOG CATEGORY: Wealth Management

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How We Compare to Big Banks for Wealth Management in Houston
April 4, 2022

Texas Gulf Bank has a proven track record of supporting the wealth management needs of our customers in the Greater Houston area. Our dedicated Wealth Management team values our role in creating financial security – whether for yourself or family members in the future. We understand that you have many options to find wealth management […]

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How to Handle Your Top Retirement Planning Concerns
September 29, 2020

While retirement can be an exciting time to enjoy the things you have always wanted to do, it can also be a complicated time for people. There is a lot of planning that goes into guaranteeing financial security. How do you know that you covered all your bases so you can relax and live life […]

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What is Supplemental Security Income & Who is Eligible?
August 27, 2020

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income program funded by general tax revenues designed to help blind, disabled, and older adults who have little or no means to receive income. This program provides cash so those people who are eligible can meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.   Who is Eligible for […]

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Navigating the Emotional Discussion about Estate Planning with Your Family
January 29, 2020

Money and death are the two most difficult topics for families to discuss, but avoiding these conversations can have devastating consequences. While it might be emotional to bring up money with your children, it’s important to make sure your family understands your financial strategies including your wishes for establishing a trust. A properly structured estate plan […]

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Protect The Wealth You Plan to Transfer to Your Loved Ones
October 30, 2019

Families have choices when it comes to securing their savings for future generations. Trusts, for instance, are useful for the ongoing management and distribution of your assets, while Wills designate who will receive your assets after you’re gone. Choosing how to structure each is all part of the Estate Planning process, and one of the […]

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Why Small Business Owners Need to Plan for Retirement
April 4, 2019

Most small business owners tend to invest extra wealth back into the business. Saving for retirement is a secondary thought after growing a business. However, waiting too long to invest in your golden years could be detrimental. According to a July 2016 BMO Wealth Management survey of 400 small business owners, only a fraction of […]

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Get Started on your Estate Plan: Essential Info & First Steps
April 18, 2018

Do you ever get that running loop in your head about end of life planning?  You know you need to get started, but with an overwhelming list of “essentials” and a plethora of “must do” suggestions on the internet, it’s hard to know where to start.  A lot of the tasks have legalese-sounding names and […]

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Variable expenses to account for in retirement
May 17, 2017

When planning for your retirement, it is smart to estimate your future monthly expenses.  However, nailing this down may be easier said than done. You should take into account expenses that will change over time – both those that will increase and also those that will decrease. Doing so will ensure more accurate calculations on […]

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Why You Should Include Final Arrangements in your Estate Planning
April 23, 2017

  Planning your own final arrangements can save your family a lot of stress during a time of unimaginable grief. You also give yourself the peace of mind that you have taken the burden off your loved ones. As uncomfortable as it might be, it is critical to discuss your wishes with your family so they […]

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Custodial Accounts Offer A Diverse Way to Transfer Wealth to Your Loved Ones
October 15, 2016

Families have choices when it comes to securing their savings for future generations. An option to consider is a Custodial Account. While most people are familiar with the idea of a Trust Fund, Custodial Accounts are similar to Trusts but controlled by an adult on behalf of a minor. The custodian (the organization that holds […]

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